I have not run properly in a good while so I found today’s run quite tough actually. It was definitely not an easy run – given that Christmas and New Year’s had me eat a lot of food and frankly, I’ve not been eating with health in mind – let’s just say.
So as part of my New Year’s resolutions I have committed to being more healthy and getting back into good shape and fitness.
Hampstead Heath Park
As part of our New Year’s celebration, I went to Hampstead Heath Park for my first run of the year. You can see from the pictures below that the park itself was very muddy given that there were hundreds of people up on the hill celebrating with their own fireworks and also viewing the London 2020 New Year’s celebrations from afar:
Back to fitness

On my first day of the year I ran 5.89km in 36.26 minutes, a very slow time. However, I’ll give myself a pass on the slowness given that I haven’t run properly in while now and given the weight I’ve put on over Christmas. January for me will be the month of getting myself back into a rhythm. January will prove whether I can change my lifestyle – and I’ve got the added pressure of doing a triathlon in Norway in June, so that also helps.
I’ll be posting updates of my weight status also, though I’ve yet to weigh myself but I’ll be recording my weight throughout the year.