Happy New Year #2020 from London

by | Jan 1, 2020 | Opinion, Travel, Updates, Videos

It’s now officially 13 minutes past, and we’re well into 2020.

For the past 3 years, I’ve been going to Hampstead Heath Park with Victoria Levine, to celebrate with the many hundreds that turn up to watch the London firework celebrations from afar:

Here you can see a video I’ve posted up on Twitter:

New Years Resolutions

  • Be successful in my new role at Forbes.com and achieve some great results for that business
  • Sign up, be fit enough, and complete the triathlon in Norway in June
    • Working on my fitness is definitely something I struggled within 2019, but I am keen to get back on track (and yes, I know I did Tough Mudder and a Half Marathon, but I just about did those)
  • Setup new websites to make more passive income, with websites I am passionate about
  • Have enough to put down a deposit on a house in Q4 2020
  • Read more books (I’ve already ordered Zero to One: Notes on Start Ups, or How to Build the Future)

I’ll hopefully hit some of these goals for 2020. 🙂 But for now, let’s not worry about this and see what happens.

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