There are perks with living in every country, but then there are general things that you discover that make working somewhere a pain in the butt. When it comes to working/interning in London, the transport aspect of life goes downhill once you start traveling at peak times. Just imagine a train packed with people, with the train stuttering at many points, and constantly stopping at different stations for a 30-40 minute duration; and because of the fact there are so many people, there are no seats, expect cramped conditions and definitely don’t expect the air conditioning to actually do its job. On that last point, I actually questioned myself as to whether I should bring my coat to work. It’s abysmal, and there is probably nothing that can be done to fix this situation because packed trains mean profit and profit is obviously the number one priority for Transport for London. I just don’t see people taking alternatives seriously and I guess a lot of people have adapted to that type of life of being packed into trains like cattle!
Please, London, Transport for London, make the trains bigger, wider, longer, and even add more trains if feasible. I need a rest after a long day’s work! 😮 If anything, put a decent air conditioning system on-board the trains. It really gets hot when the train is packed.
Anyways, I haven’t really updated this blog in a while and my most recent post was reviewing my first month with giffgaff and the fact that you should probably choose them over any other provider if you decide to visit London or if you are a resident. To move on from this little advertisement and to tell you more about why I’m using the underground system more frequently than before, I’m actually interning with a company in central London. I’m traveling from zone 3 to zone 1 every weekday, and working from 9:00am-5:30pm. I’ve decided I need the experience, if anything, if I ever want to get into web development. (My long term goal) Additionally, it looks good on my CV and I’m hoping I can learn a trick or two working at this mysterious place, which I probably shouldn’t and won’t name.
Here are a few quick pictures I took of Tottenham Court Road, outside one of the 3 underground exits:
Pictures inside the station:
- London Underground
A crazy, but true story while I was traveling on the underground
It was a Saturday night and I believe there was a gay parade occasion going on in SOHO. I’m basically going to Tottenham Court Road to check out where I’ll be interning for 4 weeks. To cut to the chase, I was basically on the train and when it stopped at Liverpool Street a group of drunk people got onto the train and sat around the free seats around me. They then started singing, as drunk people do, and then, out of nowhere, one of them takes his friend’s shoes off and to my amazement, he throws his shoes out the window, one by one. 😮 At this point I was shocked and I’m thinking I need to get the hell out of here, in-case they do the same to my shoes. 😀 Anyways, while all this is occurring, there is this guy just randomly laughing for no reason. Needless to say, because of this constant laughing everyone in that train car is either laughing or smirking. I was directly in the middle of all these drunkards and it’s seriously the funniest thing I have witnessed. I wish I had recorded the whole thing, and I think it would have gone viral had I uploaded to YouTube. Never again will I miss an opportunity like that, although I will probably never have that same opportune moment. 🙁